Eastern Vitality Acupuncture


Eastern Vitality Acupuncture is a holistic health clinic located in Park Ridge, IL. They specialize in women’s health, with an emphasis on fertility support. Their patient base is comprised of local residents of Park Ridge and surrounding suburbs of Chicago, the majority of them are women age 25–50.

Social Content Planning

I created a twelve month social media content plan for the brand, including categories that cover a wide range of interests and topics that have fostered a sense of brand loyalty and community on Instagram. I am also on retainer for designing a number of graphics and captions per month.

The social plan was implemented in November of 2020. Since then, the brand’s following has increased by over 25% and business revenue has increased by almost 50%. They are booking out almost a month in advance and the owner is positioned to hire additional acupuncturists.

Apparel With a Mission

Eastern Vitality apparel is cozy, comfy, and perfect for a day of running errands and/or heading to yoga. Zen vibes with a sassy side, these cute pieces vary with the seasons and are packed with purpose. A portion of each clothing item purchased supports the Wings Program, who’s mission is to provide housing, integrated services, education and advocacy to end domestic violence.

Elevating the Brand

Additionally, I arranged and planned a branding photo shoot for the brand. Working within the client’s budget, I hired a photographer and planned a shot list. We use the photos across social media and I am currently using them to redesign the brand’s website.

The photos have elevated the brand and given it a more personality. We are able to produce more genuine work than when we were using stock photography.

Photo Credit: Lisa Kay Creative


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